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Free Music Bingo

I was recently asked to help organise a ‘music bingo’ for students of horseriding associationBLOK. To be completely honest with you, I feel that bingo isprobably one of the most boring party games out there as the only ‘skills’ involved are paying attentionand bookkeeping.

Music bingo, however, puts a nice twist to the original game that makes it morefun, exciting and skill-based. Music bingo is like regular bingo with some minor differences thatmake it just so much more fun. The first difference is in the bingo cards: these consist of a gridof cells like in regular bingo but each cell contains a song title instead of a number. Instead of drawing randomnumbers from a tumbler, songs are played from a (randomized) playlist. If a song is played, it can be marked on the card and once a player has five marked cells in a row, they shout ‘BINGO!’ and collect their prize.


“ Music Bingo has been a fantastic addition to our weekly events calendar. The game caters for all ages and as such, we have seen an increase in new, regular patronage. The versatility of Music Bingo. The backdrop to free Music Ball Bingo is very distant jet black, with the text on screen being yellow and red, which gives it plenty of pop. The tickets also carry a yellow border, which works to make them very.

In this blog post I will describe how to organise a music bingo. Some coding is required for now,but I might come back to this fun topic and create some tooling for non-tech-savvy music bingoenthusiasts. I might also delve a bit deeper into some mathematical properties of bingo (i.e.combinatorics and probabilities of getting a bingo etc).

My preparations for a music bingo consist of the following ingredients:

  • A great playlist in Spotify
  • Printable bingo cards
  • A list to keep track of songs played so far

I will describe how I got to these ingredients and then add some additional suggestions to makeyour music bingo extra special.

A fun evening of music bingo starts and ends with a great playlist. You can create a good musicbingo playlist by picking songs that most of your audience will know. You have to understand thatit’s quite frustrating to get ‘stuck’ on a song you feel is impossible to guess. In the end, thegame of bingo is mostly about the element of luck, even if you are playing music bingo. As some of your audience members will surely not know some of the songs, it helps to select songs in which the title is clearly embedded in the lyrics.

Besides choosing relatively ‘easy’ songs, you could consider a particular theme for your musicbingo event. What constitutes a suitable theme depends strongly on your audience. Since recognizing thesongs is the biggest fun factor in music bingo, I would suggest taking well-known songs of somebygone era. In my case, I was asked to create a music bingo night with a ’90s theme. Perfect! If you are curious, you can find the listhere.

Some additional hints regarding the playlist:

  • Think about the length of the playlist up-front. The length of your playlist depends on twofactors: total event time and playtime per song. I found that about 30 seconds playtime per songis suitable. This means that you’ll have about 1 hour net playtime if you have 120 songs in yourplaylist. This is excluding time to verify bingos, introduce the game and prizes and breaks.
  • make sure you deduplicate your playlist. There are online tools to do this for you, SpotifyDeduplicator for example.
  • you can decide to curate the order of the playlist yourself or randomize it. If you randomizeit, I suggest storing the randomized playlist rather than playing the original playlist usingSpotify’s shuffle option. Having a preset order makes for easy verification of bingos during theevent. You can randomize your spotify playlist using a tool such as Spotify PlaylistRandomizer.

Finally, create an export of your playlist so that you can easily generate bingo cards. Again,many tools are available. I used Exportify to downloadthe randomized playlist.

Free Music Bingo Printable

After having created, randomized and exported the playlist, it’s time to generate some cards.I created a small python script to generate bingo cards in HTML. You can find the code on Github. It’s not great but it works.

In case you use my code, make sure to input the file using the following structure (tabs forillustration purpose only):

The track_id column contains random numbers. This helps in verifying bingos during the event.

I added print-specific CSS styling to ensure that a single bingo card does not end up on two pagesin print. You can see how the bingo cards turn outhere.

Free Music Bingo

During the event, many people will have a bingo at once. As you might not want to rely on your ownmemory for verifying which songs have been played already, it helps to have a list available tocheck off songs that have been played. You can simply create the export you have created before. Iadded an extra column to keep track of songs played so far

Use this list in Excel or OpenOffice and you’ll verify a bingo in no time. Use the auto-filter to quickly check whether the crossed of songs have actually been played.

That’s it! You’re all set to have a great bingo night.

You can get creative as well. Here are some ideas:

  • Put the artist rather than song title on the card.
  • If a song became well-known due to a movie, put the movie title on the card
  • Put part of the lyrics on the card
  • Mix it up and make cards with song titles, artist, album name, lyrics, movie titles etc.

The success of the bingo night depends on a good preparation.Here are some things to consider:

  • How long are you gonna play the songs? I found that this depends per song: some are easilyrecognized while others are harder to guess or plain nice to sing along to. Overall, we playedsongs for about 30 seconds before skipping to the next song.
  • Make sure you take enough time. As you need to play all songs for a while, you might not be ableto play as many games as you would be used to per hour.
  • Some songs start very slowly. Skipping ahead helps here.
  • Make sure to introduce the rules upfront. Especially, think about whether the use of asmartphone is allowed. Players can easily cheat by using song recognition apps such asSoundHound.
  • Allow the audience to verify a bingo together, by announcing the songs that contributed to thereported bingo. Do so for both proper and faulty bingos.

Finally and most importantly: don’t forget to have fun :)

What if...

...You could turn your Pubs slower nights into the busiest ones?

...You could make people stay longer in your Pub?

... You would make new customers and more sales?

Let us introduce you to a new music entertainment service that makes that possible!

' Imagine your events with a full crowd, dancing and singing along! and having the time of their lives! '

Now, these days many pubs struggle against low sales and customer averages, our mission is to help Pubs to solve these problems with live events using events and entertainment.

According to the UK Beer & Pub associations studies:

Beer sales in Pubs have decreased over 50% from the year 2000.

Also, the tax of a pint has almost doubled and the average price of a pint has risen over 60%

To meet your Pubs needs we have spent over 3 years and thousands of hours developing an entertainment service that really works!

Our recipe is simple: more fun and more smiles create more customers and sales!

We combined 2 things that people know and love!

Free Music Bingo Cards

Great Music with the excitement of Bingo!

Let us introduce you to:

Smile Music Bingo!

Smile Music Bingo makes it fun!

Everybody knows Bingo and everybody loves music!

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Music Bingo is a new type of game that combines both. The traditional bingo numbers are replaced with popular music clips.

Here`s how it works:

Instead of normal numbers, we play the best songs that get people jamming and singing along!

People are handed out game tickets and when a player gets the songs right on their ticket they shout 'BINGO!' And we have a Winner!

What makes Smile Music Bingo unique?

It is THE ONLY interactive and visual music bingo on the market. We also provide new songs each week designed by professional DJ:s!

If you like to know more what makes us unique check out the comparison chart.

Smile Music Bingo is designed to solve two problems:

1. Get more customers and sales to a slow night

2. Get your customers to stay longer(after a quiz or a football match for example)

Calculate here how much sales could events bring to your Pub.

Free Music Bingo Card Generator

Attract young millennials

Based on the experience from over 5000 Music Bingo events most of the players are young females.

Join the game at any stage

Different from a quiz you can join the game at any stage of the night! Full music bingo night has 4 rounds and the players can join in at any moment.

According to PRS for music study, uplifting music can increase sales in a pub up to 50%

Customer case:

Woolshed Baa & Grill, Cork, Ireland

120 players in one night!

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Woolshed has had Smile Music Bingo as a weekly event for one year.

Read more about our customer cases here

We provide a full service with everything that you need to run successful events!

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You will get Smile Music Bingo with Weekly added new music, custom marketing materials to get new customers to your events, training for your staff, and much more!

Free Music Bingo Game

PS: There is no risk in trying! Ask us for a free demo!